Staying Focused in an Open Office Layout
There have been debates surrounding open office floor plans for decades. Now, more than 80% of US offices utilize the open office layout, but the debate remains: do open office layouts help or hinder productivity?
Teknion Interpret
There are two sides to every story
Some view open offices as highly collaborative environments that foster creativity and results while promoting employee comradery. But on the other hand, others feel as though this office plan can be distracting and therefore hurt productivity.
Bringing focus to hot desking and open floor plans
We understand that some days are easier to focus than others. Simply being around others, let alone loud ones, can be distracting when trying to complete detailed tasks. Whether you want a quick individual getaway or need to meet with others, PODs and other enclosures allow you to discuss ideas away from others and can return to their desks when they see fit. Creating these spaces for your employees is beneficial for everyone. Those that prefer the open concept environment can continue to enjoy it, while those who need a quiet space have the option.
Teknion Zones Enclosure
It is no secret that performance and efficiency are linked to office layout, so together we can make sure you are maximizing your space’s true potential. The OfficeWorks team is dedicated to finding the solution that best suits your goals, so get in touch with our team of space planning experts online or give us a call at 865-588-7280 to learn more.